Although we are living in the midst of a global pandemic, we have never closed. We’ve just had to change the way we worship. When the world went into a lockdown at the beginning of the pandemic we were offering online worship only. In July we began in-person worship once more, following CDC and local health department guidelines. (Requiring masks be worn by those attending and asking people to use hand sanitizer when they entered, and observing social distancing, as well.)

We began holding Sunday School once more mid-September 2020 and went back to our regular Sunday schedule. In early November of 2020 the number of Covid cases in our area spiked dramatically and we made the decision to go back to online worship until after the first of 2021. Our Administrative Council has made the decision to use the area health department’s weekly updated risk dial as the basis for whether we will meet in person or online. If the risk dial is in the RED we will worship online. Once it falls out of the red we will meet in person, still requiring masks and social distancing. 


A typical worship service consists of music, prayer, offering, Scripture reading and a message from the Pastor to help us grow in our faith.

The first Sunday of each month is communion Sunday. Everyone is welcome to take communion if they so choose. We see communion as a gift from Jesus- a visible reminder of just how much we are loved. The Communion table belongs to Jesus and it is not our job to judge anyone’s worthiness to partake of the grace of Jesus.

The last Sunday of each month we bring a special Noisy Bucket offering– our loose change that will go towards a mission project to help our neighbors. 

If you would like to serve in worship by playing a musical instrument, singing a solo or reading Scripture be sure to let the church office know and Pastor Angela will contact you.

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